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Sultan Ali

Fathers name: Mir galib Hussain

Mothers name: Syeda shah Zehra

Country of Birth:


Year of birth: 1978

Places of Residence:


Brothers/sisters: Mir Akber Ali, shayeeb Ali, murtuza. Anjum ,Haseen , Salma

Studies: Alipur

Profession: Business


Sultan Ali, born in Alipur, gouribidanur tq, chikkabalapur dt , Karnataka state, India in 1978. His father name Is Mir Galib Hussain, grand father name is Mir Asgar Ali Patel, sultan Ali is Shia Muslim and studies in his native place Alipur, and his four brother and five sisters, are Mir Akber Ali , Mir Shayeeb Ali, syed Murtuza. Syeda Anjun Zehra. Syeda Haseen zehra, syeda Gule Zehra and Syeda atqiya Zehra. We migrate from Iran to India.uSultan Ali, born in Alipur, gouribidanur tq, chikkabalapur dt , Karnataka state, India in 1978. His father name Is Mir Galib Hussain, grand father name is Mir Asgar Ali Patel, sultan Ali is Shia Muslim and studies in his native place Alipur, and his four brother and five sisters, are Mir Akber Ali , Mir Shayeeb Ali, syed Murtuza. Syeda Anjun Zehra. Syeda Haseen zehra, syeda Gule Zehra and Syeda atqiya Zehra. We migrate from Iran to India.
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