Osama Zahid
Fathers name: Zahid farooq
Mothers name: Rafat Zahid
Country of Birth:
Year of birth: 1997
Places of Residence:
Brothers/sisters: saad /hina
Studies: school
Profession: nothing
Osama ZahidFathers name: Zahid farooq Mothers name: Rafat Zahid Country of Birth: PakistanYear of birth: 1997 Places of Residence: KarachiBrothers/sisters: saad /hina Studies: school Profession: nothing The Beginning...
I was born on 4 June at the 7 day hospital in Karachi. My family was very happy when I was born because my mom wonted a boy.
My family live long times in block a north nazimabad Karachi. In this home my father live with 2 brother and mother. When I came first time in this home.my grandmother said (his face just like his father). Next day my mother brothers came my home with my grandmother .my mother have 7 brother. They all get gift for me. My father mothers give name to me (Osama). When i 11-12 months my mother was hospitalized for a month. In this month i live with my mamo house. I wanted Sindbad with my mamo family. End chapter 1
Living in joint family in north Nazimabad with my amma (grandmother), Mr. Alamgir (taya Abu) , Mr Tahir(chacho) and cousins.
I don't remember all things my childhood.my father said(you was break many things).my mother said (you was very nice).when i 4-5 year old i was cutting coconut but i cut my finger my mom take me hospital with my cousin. I only remember they Dr. M .Ali Shah did my opration.when i came back home my amma look my finger she feel bad. My amma was late in 15 may 2004.This date i alway remember because my birthday is 5 may and my father birthday is 25 may. I am close with my amma. My best friend is omer he was my cousins cousin. We meet first time we don't no we are cousins. We both shift home together in defence.His father and my father also friend. End chapter 2
School life
My first school is KGS .I study kg1-5class.when I m in class 2 my best first is Safi .he was shere every thing with me.I was leave this school in 6 because they teachers is not good.
When I was came first time in bss I like so much.In bss they teacher teach very well.in sport day I won the race . When I was went first time in DCSS .i saw first time in my life AC in class and no uniform like i it but I don't like the play area because it is very small.In DCSS I make my friend very quickly. End chapter 3
Future plan
I wish I never do cutting work in future because I cut my finger.
I want lot of things I have to do... First I have to complete my studies, after i join my family business and i also work with my friends. I told my father when I done my studies I do business with my friends. I plan that me my friend's asrlan q and asrlan a do partnership in business. My father said (ok, do what you want) I wish i do something for my country and my family proud me. Everyone know me. End chapter 4
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