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life story books

Ntombekhaya Duma

Country of Birth:

South Africa

Year of birth: 1969

Places of Residence:


The year I met him

He changed my life
The year is 2005, August the 8th to be exact, I started working at a company, "Intersite Property Management". I was asked to relieve the Receptionist when she took her lunch break, it was a bit daunting for me to answer the switchboard because it was my first day and i did'nt know any of the staff or their extentions. When I got to the Rreception Area i noticed this short man standing and talking to the security officer on duty, i did not pay much attention as i was focused on the task at hand. A few minutes later a call came through asking to speak to the General, i asked the caller to hold while i checked the list with the staff names and extensions, there was no one named General on the list, so i told i went back to the call and told the caller that there was no such person at the companym the caller however insisted that he was employed there, i then asked this man talking to the security officer if he knew anyone named General, he said no, so after a brief battle with the caller he dropped the call, i found out later that same day that he was actually the person that the caller was looking for, as you can imagine i was extremely annoyed with him and let him know this, he laughed it off and said he did it to all new staff members, it was his way of initiating me into the work placem needless to say we became the best of friends.

I was going through a difficult time in my marriage, i was so unhappy married to an abusive alcoholic, and Wilson Sebiloane became my confidant and friend. I would confide in him and cry on his shoulder for a little less than a year, when I eventually decided to file for a divorce i spoke to him about it, i still remember the serious look on his face when he asked me "are you sure this is really what you want to do" i replied yes, I was just so tired of bieng unhappy. On the 17th November i went to court and my divorce was finalised.

Through my misary he was there for me always comforting and understanding. Little did i know that my life was going to change so drasically after my divorce. Wilson finally admitted that he had fallen in love with me, i asked him one question that would change my life forever, "What can you give me that he failed to give me"? and he answered "LOVE", that was the turning point for me, i think it was that precise moment i fell in love with him, he did not rush me into anything, he was just there whenever i needed him, night or day i could call him at any time and he was always willing to listen or comfort me, i was finally happy, i had found a man i could depend on. He respected me from the beginning of our relationship to the end, and to this day he still has respect for me.
End chapter 1