Fiza Nadeem
Fathers name: Muhammed Nadeem
Mothers name: Ambreen Nadeem
Country of Birth:
Year of birth: 1998
Places of Residence:
Brothers/sisters: Azka and Asna
Studies: Middle School
Profession: Student
Fiza NadeemFathers name: Muhammed Nadeem Mothers name: Ambreen Nadeem Country of Birth: PakistanYear of birth: 1998 Places of Residence: KazimabadBrothers/sisters: Azka and Asna Studies: Middle School Profession: Student Fiza Nadeem
Don't Walk behind me, i may not see; dont walk in front of me, i may not follow; Walk beside me and be my friend
Fiza Nadeem is a fun loving, respectful person. She is a Muslim and feels proud about it"¦Follows all commands and obligations. She loves her sister more than anything in the world. Asna (sister) would be the one she'd want to be with if she was the last person on this Earth. Fiza is originally from Karachi and she feels proud in being a Pakistani. As she highlighted that she sees her bright future and high education in Pakistan.She wants to be a part of 8A and represent in co curricular activity in future. Her hobbies include playing online games such as scrabble and reading books. According to Fiza, if she'd have 1 wish so she would want to take a tour around the world. Fiza does not like arrogant and self centered people with whom she doesn't feel comfortable making friends with!! Her Uncle is very special to her and motivates her because he faced all difficulties in life and reached success"¦a well known surgeon today. So, Fiza's dream is to become a doctor. End chapter 1
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