I'm not sure how far back I remember but probably one of the first things I remember was the northern lights being so clear and beautiful. The nights back then were so clear, free from strong city lights, smog, etc.
The next things I recall was the derigible..the first of any thing flying through the air, very little noise and tree tops low. The model-T made by Henry Ford and cranking it could break your arm. I saw that almost happen when my Uncle George Oscar would try and start it.
I remember my grandfather George Franklin having week-end dances and I'm sure lots of drinking went on too.
My father was a good and hard working man. My mother who took care of us siblings needs as best as she was able., caster oil, sulfer and molasses, three sixes and plaster molds for whooping cough, sugar and a few drops of kerosene to stop us from coughing.
We had all the the things that was caught back then measles, boils and in 1940 I had thyphoid fever.
We moved many times never staying any place long. moving from farm to farm as sharecroppers. Every move was done with horse and wagon.
I have a beautiful bowl that I got from my mother, it was given to her by who she called grandma Schefflien in Baltimore in 1930. why that bowl didn't get broke I'll never understand. Granda Schefflien (german) helped mama take care of me until we were forced back to Laneview,Virginia because of the depression.
I remember other instance when a bull ran me up a tree, boarhog running me out of the pig pen. Fishing in the Rappahannock river with a string tied around a piece of wood and one hook., but we caught fish!